As a member of the American Association of Mediators, you will join the nation’s fastest growing association dedicated to the advancement of mediation and its practitioners. As a member of American Association of Mediators, you will have access to the following benefits based upon your membership category:
General Member Benefits
- Listing in American Association of Mediators’s membership directory
- Subscription to American Association of Mediators’s electronic newsletter
- Discount on webinars and trainings
- Discount on American Association of Mediators sponsored meetings and conference rates
- Access to join Special Interest Collaboratives aligned to your mediation practice
- Access to join American Association of Mediators committees and contribute to the work of American Association of Mediators
- Opportunities to connect with peers through in-person and online networking events
- Access to mediator liability insurance
- Access to discounted business services through American Association of Mediators partner organizations
American Association of Mediators Certified Mediator Benefits
Certified Member receive all general membership benefits in addition to:
- Inclusion on American Association of Mediators’s National Roster of Certified Mediators with searchable directory of mediators
- Opportunity for nationally recognized certification based on training and experience
- Opportunity to contribute to American Association of Mediators online and print publications
- Use of American Association of Mediators logo and certification level on member’s marketing information